We are a Globally Relevant, Multi-Strategy, African-focused Alternative Advisor and Investor.
Shiloh was founded in 2015 to:
a) Invest in Alternative assets focused on Private Equity, Venture Capital, and Real Assets in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) region and by long-short investing in publicly listed equities worldwide.
b) Advise Alternative Asset investors and entrepreneurs through supporting the founding, acquisitions, growth, turnaround, and disposal of their assets.
Our vision is to build an Afrocentric globally relevant investment company
Our mission is to develop an investment platform that owns predominantly African assets with a total value equivalent to 1% of Africa's Gross Domestic Product
Advisory | Private Equity | Venture Capital | Real Assets | Global Equities
Shiloh Capital Proprietary Limited is registered in South Africa (No. 2015/426355/07) and is a Juristic Representative of FyreFem Fund Managers Proprietary Limited (www.fyrefem.com) an Authorised Financial Services Provider in terms of FAIS - FSP No. 49359
For any inquiries, please call or email us:
+27 (0) 10 500 3387 | clientrelations@shilohcap.com
Robin Crown, Oxford and Glenhove, The Business Exchange,114 Oxford Rd, Melrose Estate, Johannesburg, South Africa, 2196