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Private Equity Investment in Africa
 bridging Global Capital AND African opportunities

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Globally Relevant | African-Focused | Private Equity


Founded in 2015, Shiloh Capital is an emerging private equity advisor and investor, committed to unlocking the potential of African markets.


Our Vision:

To become the leading private equity firm specialising in transitioning family-owned businesses into scalable, growth-focused enterprises in Africa


Our Mission:
To create an investment platform that predominantly owns African assets, aiming to hold a portfolio valued at 1% of Africa's Gross Domestic Product (GDP).



Shiloh Capital Proprietary Limited is registered in South Africa (No. 2015/426355/07) and is a Juristic Representative of FyreFem Fund Managers Proprietary Limited ( an Authorised Financial Services Provider in terms of FAIS - FSP No. 49359

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For any inquiries, please call or email us:

+27 (0) 10 109 0787 |


Office 16D2, 16th Floor
Sinosteel Plaza
159  Rivonia Road


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The Shiloh Capital consists of the following entities: Shiloh Capital Proprietary Limited (NO. 2015/426355/07), Shiloh Capital Business Solutions Proprietary Limited (NO. 2023/708701/07), Liberation Venture Capital Partners Proprietary Limited  (NO. 2023/704984/07) and WealthTree Investment Company Proprietary Limited (NO. 2020/471324/07) which are registered in Office 16D2, 16th Floor, Sinosteel Plaza, 159  Rivonia Road, Sandton, 2146


Shiloh Capital Proprietary Limited is registered in South Africa (No. 2015/426355/07) and is a Juristic Representative of FyreFem Fund Managers Proprietary Limited ( an Authorised Financial Services Provider in terms of FAIS - FSP No. 49359

© 2024 by Shiloh Capital.  All Rights Reserved.

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